Yogis And Texts Habighorst Detail


Critical Editions and Annotated Translations of Sanskrit Texts on Haṭhayoga

 Text Editor(s)
Amṛtasiddhi Mallinson (with Dr Péter-Dániel Szántó)
Dattātreyayogaśāstra Mallinson
Gorakṣaśataka Mallinson
Vivekamārtaṇḍa Mallinson and Birch
Yogabīja Birch and Mallinson
Amaraughaprabodha Birch
Yogatārāvalī Birch
Yogacintāmaṇi (āsana section) Birch and Singleton
Haṭhasaṃketacandrikā Birch and Singleton
Haṭhābhyāsapaddhati Birch, Mallinson and Singleton


Let the Sādhus Talk: Past and Present Emic Understandings of Yoga and Yogis Bevilacqua
Yoga on the Eve of Colonialism: The Historical Foundations of Modern Indian Yoga Birch
Yoga and Yogis: The Texts, Techniques and Practitioners of Early Haṭhayoga Mallinson
A History of the Physical and Postural Practices of Indian Yoga, from Antiquity to the Pre-Colonial Period Singleton
The team will also be publishing several articles, book chapters and encyclopedia entries


2015 “The Yogataravali and the Hidden History of Yoga”, Namarupa Magazine, Issue 20 (Spring 2015)
2013 ‘The Amanaska: King of All Yogas: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation with a Monographic Introduction.’ DPhil Thesis, Oxford.
2013 ‘Rājayoga: The Reincarnations of the King of All Yogas: The Reincarnations of the King of All Yogas’, The International Journal of Hindu Studies, 17, 3: 401–444
2011 ‘The Meaning of haṭha in Early Haṭhayoga, The Journal of the American Oriental Society, 131.4.
2011 “Universalist and Missionary Jainism: Jain Yoga of the Terāpanthī Tradition” in Yoga in Practice, Ed David White, University of Chicago Press
2009 The Ocean of the Rivers of Story by Somadeva. Vol.~2. New York University Press.
2007  The Ocean of the Rivers of Story by Somadeva. Vol.~1. New York University Press.
2007  The Shiva Samhita. New York: YogaVidya.com.
2007  The Khecarīvidyā of Ādinātha. A critical edition and annotated translation of an early text of haṭhayoga. London: Routledge. (In 2010 the book was reprinted in paperback by Routledge and an Indian hardback edition was published by Indica Books.)
2006 Messenger Poems by Kalidasa, Dhoyi & Rupa Gosvamin. New York University Press.
2005  The Emperor of the Sorcerers by Budhasvamin. Vol.~2. New York University Press.
2005 The Emperor of the Sorcerers by Budhasvamin. Vol.~1. New York University Press.
2004 The Gheranda Samhita. New York: YogaVidya.com.
2014  “Śāktism and Haṭhayoga,” in The Śākta Traditions. London: Routledge.
2014  “Haṭhayoga’s Philosophy: A Fortuitous Union of Non-Dualities”, pp. 225-247 in Journal of Indian Philosophy volume 42, issue 1.
2014  “The Yogīs’ Latest Trick,” pp. 165-180 in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society volume 24, issue 1.
2014  Entry on “The Kumbh Mela” in Keywords in Modern Indian Studies to be published by Oxford University Press (Delhi) in the series “SOAS Studies on South Asia”.
2013  “Yogic Identities: Tradition and Transformation”. Smithsonian Institute Research Online. This is an online-only publication and can be found here.
2013  “Yogis in Mughal India”, pp. 35-46 in Yoga: The Art of Transformation, ed. Debra Diamond. Washington DC: Arthur M. Sackler Gallery (Smithsonian Institution).
20013  “Āsana” (with Debra Diamond), pp.150-159 in Yoga: The Art of Transformation, ed. Debra Diamond. Washington DC: Arthur M. Sackler Gallery (Smithsonian Institution).
2011  “The Yogīs’ Latest Trick”. Review article in Tantric Studies (University of Hamburg).
2011  5,000-word Entry on “Haṭhayoga” in the Brill Encyclopedia of Hinduism Vol. 3 (pp. 770-781). Leiden: Brill.
2011  10,000-word Entry on “The Nāth Saṃpradāya” in the Brill Encyclopedia of Hinduism Vol. 3 (pp. 407-428). Leiden: Brill.
2011  “Siddhi and Mahāsiddhi in Early Haṭhayoga”, pp. 327–344 in Yoga Powers, ed. Knut Jacobsen. Leiden: Brill.
2011  “The Original Gorakṣaśataka,” pp. 257–272 in Yoga in Practice, ed. David Gordon White. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
2005  “Rāmānandī Tyāgīs and Haṭhayoga,” pp. 107-121 in the Journal of Vaishnava Studies Vol.~14, No.~1/Fall 2005. Reprinted in Namarupa magazine (2006). Reproduced with permission of the Journal of Vaishnava Studies
2014  Mystical Journey: Kumbh Mela. Smithsonian Channel and BBC4.
2007 The Beginner’s Guide to Yoga, Channel 4 and the Discovery Channel.
2016 Yoga and physical culture: Transnational history and blurred discursive contexts. In Knut A. Jacobsen, ed., Routledge Handbook of Contemporary India, 172-84. Abingdon: Routledge.
2015  Preface to the Serbian edition of Yoga Body, the Origins of Modern Posture Practice (Belgrade: Neopress Publishing).
2015  Telo joge: koreni moderne posturalne prakseSerbian edition of Yoga Body, the Origins of Modern Posture Practice) (Belgrade, Neopress Publishing).
2014  ヨガ・ボディ―ポーズ練習の起源 ― (Japanese edition of Yoga Body, the Origins of Modern Posture Practice) (Tokyo: Ohsumi Shoten).
2014 (ed. with Ellen Goldberg) Gurus of Modern Yoga, Oxford University Press USA. This book includes a chapter co-written by Mark Singleton and Tara Fraser and entitled ‘T. Krishnamacharya, ”Father of Modern Yoga”’.
2013  ‘Body at the Centre: The Postural Yoga Renaissance and Transnational Flows’ in Beatrix Hauser (ed.) Yoga Traveling: Bodily Practice in Transcultural Perspective (Heidelberg: Springer), pp. 37-56.
2013 ‘Modern Yoga’, in Debra Diamond (ed.) Yoga the Art of Transformation, Freer and Sackler Galleries, Smithsonian Institute, Washington D.C., pp.95-103.
2012  ‘The Medium and the Message: Visual Reproduction and the Yogasana Revival’, in V. Lo and R. Yoeli-Tlalim (eds.) Sports, Medicine and Immortality: from Ancient China to the World Wide Web (London: British Museum).
2012  ‘Yoga Makaranda of T. Krishnamacharya’, in D.G. White (ed.), Yoga in Practice (Princeton University Press), pp.337-352.
2010  Yoga Body, The Origins of Modern Posture Practice (Oxford University Press).
2009  ‘Modern Yoga’, in K.A. Jacobsen (ed.) Encyclopedia of Hinduism (Leiden: Brill).
2008 (ed. with Jean Byrne) Yoga in the Modern World: Contemporary Perspectives (London; New York: Routledge Hindu Studies Series).
2008  ‘The Classical Reveries of Modern Yoga: Patañjali and Constructive Orientalism’, in Singleton and Byrne (eds). (See above.)
2008  ‘Introduction: Putting the Modern in Modern Yoga’, in Singleton and Byrne (eds). (See above.)
2008  ‘The Eastern Classics Program at St. John’s College’, in T. de Bary (ed.) Classics for an Emerging World: Proceeding of the Conference at Columbia University.
2008  (Ed.) Asian Medicine, Tradition and Modernity (Special Yoga Issue) 3.1 (Leiden: Brill).
2008  ‘Suggestive Therapeutics: New Thought’s Relationship to Modern Yoga’ in Asian Medicine, Tradition and Modernity, 3.1: 64-84.
2008  ‘Lure of the Fallen Seraphim: Sovereignty and Sacrifice in James Joyce and Georges Bataille’, James Joyce Quarterly, 44.2 (Winter), 303-323.
2008  ‘Yoga, Eugenics and Spiritual Darwinism in the Early Twentieth Century’. International Journal of Hindu Studies, 11.2: 125-146.
2008  ‘British Wheel of Yoga’ in D. Cush, C. Robinson and M.York (eds.) Encyclopedia of Hinduism, (London and New York: Curzon-Routledge): 123-3.
2008  ‘Choudhury, Bikram (b. 1946)’ in D.Cush et al (eds.): 142.
2008  ‘Desikachar, T.K.V. and Viniyoga’ in D. Cush et al (eds.): 178.
2008  ‘Indra Devi (1900-2002)’ in D. Cush et al (eds.): 369-70.
2008  ‘Iyengar, B.K.S. (b. 1918) and Iyengar Yoga’ in D. Cush et al (eds.): 380-1.
2008 ‘Krishnamacharya, T. (1888-1989)’ in D. Cush et al (eds.): 424.
2008  ‘Kuvalayananda, Swami (1883-1966) and Kaivalyadhama’ in D. Cush et al (eds.): 441-2.
2008  ‘Jois, K. Pattabhi and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga’ in D. Cush et al (eds.): 393.
2008  ‘Satchidananda, Swami and Integral Yoga’ in D. Cush et al (eds.): 769.
2007  ‘Satyananda, Swami (b. 1923) and the Bihar School of Yoga’ in D. Cush et al (eds.): 776.
2007  ‘Vishnudevananda (1927-93) and Sivananda Yoga’ in D. Cush et al (eds.): 960-1.
2007  ‘Yogendra, Shri (1897-1989) and the Yoga Institute, Santa Cruz’: 1041-2.
2007 ‘Yoga, Modern’ in D. Cush et al (eds.): 1033-1038.
2006  Review of Joseph Alter’s Yoga in Modern India, in Asian Medicine, Tradition and Modernity, 2.1: 91-93.
2005  ‘Salvation Through Relaxation: Proprioceptive Therapy in Relation to Yoga’, Journal of Contemporary Religion 20, 3 (2005) 289-304.
Kāvyadarpaṇa of Rājacūdāmaṇidīkṣikta (I & IInd Ullāsa), Amazon.com (ISBN-10: 151941109X, ISBN-13: 978-1519411099)
2016 Karaṇa-sampradāna-apādānānāṁ taddhitapradarśanam, International Journal of Indian Languages and Literature, Vol.1 Issue.2, PP. 102-106
2015  Śāstreṣu laukikanyāyāḥ, International Journal of Indian Languages and Literature, Vol.1 Issue.1, PP. 76-88.
2015 Saṁskṛtakāvyānaṁ vikāsaḥ, International journal of Sanskrit research, Vol. 1, Issue.4, Part.A, PP.108-109
2015 Paṇini’s influence on verbal cognition, International journal of Sanskrit research, Vol.1, Issue.4, Part A, PP. 110-113
2015 jānakīharaṇamahākāvyasya āvirbhāvaḥ, Gursārvabhaumaḥ, Vol.2 Issue.6, PP. 41-45
2011 Śābdabodha according to Paṇini’s Grammar (With special reference to Naiṣadīyacarita), The Journal of Sanskrit Academy, Volume XXI, PP.192-194